New online store — fresh
Satisfy your colour cravings at Pipa
2013 aliceandolivia bright chanel cheerful classic colour cool fresh jacket pink shocking spring sweet tweed wink young
After what seems like a long, colourless Winter, there is nothing we look forward to more than the cheerful brightness of Alice and Olivia's new sweet, tweed and shocking pink jacket - which will be sure to make ALL the boys wink this Spring. This boxy and Chanel-type-look-a-like has a rich pink frill and trimmed edging that gives this brightly coloured topper a classic look, while also keeping it young, fresh and seriously cool - what more could a girl want?
Light up
ambience candles fresh grey handmade home jars new pretty pure sticks subtle vintage wax
At Pipa, we just love to keep you all inspired and....well.... who doesn't love the excuse to light up candles? These beautifully hand-made candles are now for sale and they are our latest obsession.They make gorgeous little gifts and can be used to create a cosy and uplifting ambience in the home. The colours are popping with purity and freshness - just looking at them make us instantly want a jar-full!