Bright like Summer

We Pipa peacocks of fashion know that adding a pop of primary colours to our week/weekend wardrobe is among the top fashion trends this Summer. 

Ohhhh, so no wonder we have found ourselves slowly gravitating towards all things bright, bold and of course beautiful this sweet sweet season. 

We even noticed a slight change in our mood...adding a bit of colour into our lives has actually made us feel fabulous! We strongly believe that you ladies can feel this way too...

Why not paint the town red in this gorgeous cherry-kissed outfit?

Or laugh gloriously in a pretty sunshine yellow?

Electric blues are also beautiful for the spirit and soul. This outfit is eye captivating and goes one step louder with the addition of a complimentary printed scarf.

I guess instead of thanking Joie, American Vintage and all the other great designers that have made these prime colours come to life, we owe Piet Mondrian a huge thanks for taking the first colourful leap...

Will you be daring enough to join him?

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